AKOM - The Association of Korean Medicine


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Exchange between South and North Korea
The some scholars and practitioners of the Association visited to Pyongyang and had a seminar on “Present and future of national medicine in South and North Korea” in 2003. The 2nd seminar was held in Pyongyang in Dec 2006.
International Cooperation
The association signed agreements for enhancing the cooperation and interchanges in the field of traditional medicine with several countries.

• The Memorandum of Exchange and Cooperation with the Ministry of Health of Vietnam in 1994 and 2001.
• The Agreement of Exchange and Cooperation with the Ministry of Health of Mongol in 1995.
• The Agreement of Exchange with Chinese Association of Chinese Medicine in 2001 based on the Minutes of Discussion of Cooperation between the Ministry of Health of Korea and China in 1995.
• The Agreement of Exchange with the Traditional Medicine Association of Bulgaria in 1995.
• The Memorandum of Understanding in 2001 and the Agreement in 2002 with Indonesian Medical Association.
• The Basic Agreement with Joseon Medical Association in 2001 and the Statement with department of KM of North Korea in 2002.
• The Minutes of Discussion with the Ministry of Health of Lao in 2003.
• The Minutes of Discussion in 2003 and the Memorandum of Understanding of the Ministry of Health of Myanmar in 2005.
• The Basic Agreement with traditional medicine dept. of Vladivostok medical university in 2006.
International Congress of Oriental Medicine (ICOM)
The International Congress of Oriental Medicine (ICOM) is held every two year under the auspice of the International Society of Oriental Medicine (ISOM)(website is www.isom.or.kr) established in 1975. Distinguished research findings of the field over the world have been presented and discussed in the congress. It has contributed to the enhancement of the oriental medicine as a global medical science. 346 professionals from more than 45 countries participated in the 16th congress held in Korea in 2012. The 17th ICOM will be held in Taiwan in 2014